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Typical Bankruptcy Forms Processing Outsourcing India

TrustmanLPOTypical Bankruptcy Forms Processing Outsourcing India



Typical Bankruptcy Forms Processing Outsourcing India

A typical bankruptcy forms processing practice works as under:

Client either downloads or is emailed a set of Client Intake Forms in PDF format to print and fill out.

Client will fax or email or upload the completed forms to the forms processor for
review. The forms processor will draft the bankruptcy petition from the information provided on the Client Intake Forms.

If the requisite information is either missing or incomplete, the forms processor
or attorney will call up the client and obtain the missing or incomplete information.

After the drafting of the bankruptcy petition, the forms processor saves the document in the convenient format and sends it to the attorney as an attachment on an email or upload the completed bankruptcy petition.

At this point the attorney may wish to meet with the clients to review their bankruptcy petition before filing, but it is not absolutely necessary. They communicated with the client by email or telephone.

Electronically filed documents do not require the client’s signature so it is not necessary to meet the clients face-to-face before filing the bankruptcy petition. An attorney is provided with an electronic signature by the court that he uses to sign all electronic documents filed on behalf of the client he or she represents.
After the attorney receives the bankruptcy petition by email, he or she will save it
on their computer under the client file name and begin the review. The attorney can either print out the bankruptcy petition and make changes with an ink pen, or review it on the computer screen and note any changes in an email to the forms processor.

After the attorney has approved or made changes to the bankruptcy petition, he or she will email it back to the forms processor. The forms processor will make the changes and prepare a final bankruptcy petition ready for electronic filing.
The forms processor emails the final petition to the attorney for final approval.

Upon approval by the attorney, the forms processor will electronically file the bankruptcy petition with the proper court or email to the attorney for printing, copying and filing.