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Legal Service Law India

Legal Practitioners (Regulation and Maintenance of Standards in Profession, Protecting the Interest of Clients and Promoting the Rule of Law) Bill, 2010. A Bill for the establishment of the Legal Services Board and in respect of its functions; to make provision for, and in connection with, the regulation of persons who carry out the activities

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Typical Bankruptcy Forms Processing Outsourcing India

A typical bankruptcy forms processing practice works as under: Client either downloads or is emailed a set of Client Intake Forms in PDF format to print and fill out. Client will fax or email or upload the completed forms to the forms processor for review. The forms processor will draft the bankruptcy petition from the

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Patent law India

Patent law has been formulated with an objective to promote and protect the inventions and methods. The object of granting a patent is to encourage and develop science, technology and industry.  A patent can be defined as a grant of exclusive rights to an inventor over his invention for a limited period of time. The

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Patent Outsourcing India

The importance of IP reaches far beyond historically in the past technical industries for several reasons. While not a brand spanking new idea by any stretch (the first U.S. patent was issued in 1790), adequate patent protection has exploded to become of the single most important obligations facing American corporations. With this alter in emphasis

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