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Outsourcing Paralegal Service A Bankruptcy Forms Processor

TrustmanLPOOutsourcing Paralegal Service A Bankruptcy Forms Processor



Outsourcing Paralegal Service A Bankruptcy Forms Processor

Due to the dramatic increase in technology, paralegals now have the ability to outsource their skills to places like India as a bankruptcy forms processor. Unlike an attorney or notary public, a bankruptcy forms processor does not have jurisdictional limits. In other words, a bankruptcy forms processor could live in India and prepare bankruptcy petitions, pleadings, Motions and other court documents for attorneys practicing in California, New York or any other U.S. state.

In fact, It is a really easy to set up the business/practice of a bankruptcy forms processor in India with a little training.  It is proven business model where the substantial cost can be saved for the same quality of work. This concept has also opened the door for attorneys practicing in other areas of law to open a sideline bankruptcy practice, and many of these attorneys seek a freelance forms processor to process their paperwork for them.

This is where you as a bankruptcy forms processor can fill a need that is becoming more popular as electronic filing procedures become more the norm. In fact, some states now require electronic filing of all court documents. Paper documents are only accepted by the court from consumers or in other rare circumstances. It will not be long before all the states will have electronic filing procedures in place and those resisting the change will be left behind.