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Legal Research and Writing Projects outsourcing India

TrustmanLegal Outsourcing IndiaLegal Research and Writing Projects outsourcing India



Legal Research and Writing Projects outsourcing India

One should be careful in determining what kind of legal research or writing project to be outsourced. The researcher should be able to accommodate lawyer’s preferred work style. US lawyers generally outsource to do general research and collect the information relevant to the topic of research. Once the draft research is prepared as per the guidelines of US lawyer. The US lawyer may do some edit work on the legal opinion and prepare the final legal opinion.  The US Lawyer can ask for further research if further information is required. US lawyers may delegate primary responsibility for an entire large project—including the preparation of a record on appeal, legal research and brief writing.

Outsourcing legal research and writing is not just for litigators. Although there are more opportunities for litigators to outsource legal research and writing work on an ongoing basis, transactional lawyers can also benefit from working with independent service providers. For example, a lawyer who is drafting a contract that will be used by a business client with outlets in many states may want to know how courts in those jurisdictions will construe a particular contract provision. Or a real estate practitioner may agree to handle a litigation matter arising from a failed deal (as an accommodation to the client) but may be rusty when it comes to legal research and brief writing.

Even if lawyer are handling a case on a contingency basis, it may still make sense to work with an independent legal research and writing services provider. Hiring a provider to work on a low-value case frees lawyer up to devote more time to higher-value cases; conversely, an experienced provider can offer critical legal research and writing assistance in a high-value case.

A legal research and writing provider can even help lawyer decide whether or not to accept a contingency case by examining issues lawyer have identified at the outset (such as whether a statute of limitations was tolled based on the facts of the case) or by performing a jury verdict search.

Small firms and sole practitioners, in particular, can benefit by hiring ndependent service provider without adding additional cost of infrastructure. A legal research and writing services provider who is familiar with all of the relevant facts and has read the applicable cases and statutes will be able to analyze the issues more closely.