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Litigation Support Outsourcing Service LPO India

Many of the largest law firms rely on outside consultants litigation support in their efforts to help win high-profile cases that cannot be avoided or favorably settled.  This goal often can be achieved more effectively, in less time, and at less expense through outsourcing to consulting firms than through in-house resources. Firms that specialize in

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Legal Outsourcing India The Ohio Supreme Court

The Ohio Supreme Court’s Board of Commissioners on Grievances & Discipline has offered guidance to the state’s lawyers on outsourcing legal or support services. The advisory states that there is nothing the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct that prohibits the use of outsourcing services. Although advisory opinions are non-binding, the opinion marks the first time

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Legal Outsourcing India – Los Angeles County Bar Association

Whether attorney in a civil case who charges an every hour rate may contract with an out-of-state company to draft a brief provided the attorney is competent to review the work, remains ultimately responsible for the final work product filed with the court by the attorney on behalf of the client, the attorney does not

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Legal Outsourcing and its growth in India

This article analyze the emergence of LPO in India, as well as its future growth. The outsourcing originally denoted the practice of sending work to third party companies in the U.S., it  gradually expanded to include sending work abroad, a practice that eventuallyeclipsed domestic outsourcing. Offshore outsourcing is not a new phenomenon.  Companies have been

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E-discovery Outsourcing India

E-discovery outsourcing to India are growing rapidly in recent years. Development of a strategy of outsourcing e-discovery is key to the success of modern enterprises with new technology access today. With the growing number of general civil litigation, the discovery process, or the process of obtaining documents, interrogations and other evidence of opposing parties before

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Vidya Dhan Society NGO

Trustman supports Vidya Dhan Society NGO and it is a not-for-profit organisation based in India that was formed with a goal to achieve in providing free education to underprivileged children and those students who had failed were provided training in learning strategies. Vidya Dhan Society helps the children in learning and gaining education that lead to a better and

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